
The leading role of natural and scientific training of future psychologists in reforming the system of psychological education was substantiated. It was noted that the urgency of optimization of natural and scientific training, on the one hand, is due to the processes of national education integration into the European educational space and global changes in the labor market, which create the demand in a fully developed, creative, capable for innovative activity, self-developed specialists, and on the other hand, it is the basis for professional competencies formation, the justification for professional activities, and thus guarantee high competitiveness on both national and world markets. Guided by such statements and little attention in scientific and pedagogical literature to the problems of future psychologist natural and scientific training, the purpose of the article was outlined. It is in defining and substantiating options for future psychologist natural and scientific training optimization in national higher education institutions. Using theoretical and empirical methods of research, namely analysis of scientific and methodological literature, comparison, generalization, mathematical calculation of the results of a pedagogical experiment and qualitative pedagogical analysis of quantitative statistical parameters, the task of the study was fulfilled. The content of the concept «natural and scientific training of future psychologists» was specified. According to the results of the survey, it was determined that students psychologists, regardless the year of study in higher education institutions, do not have a deep understanding of significance of science education and have insufficient level of motivation to study science. Attention was focused on the main factors that impede the improvement of quality of natural and scientific training of future psychologists, among which are: lack of professional orientation science disciplines, irrelevance of the subject of study, absence of the results of modern scientific research in educational material, lack of necessary educational and methodological literature, outdated methods of teaching sciences, lack of free time. The following ways to optimize the natural and scientific training in higher education institutions as studying foreign experience; updating of the content of science; improvement of methodological and logistical support of the process of natural and scientific training; establishment of interdependence between sciences and professional training of future psychologists; introduction of interactive learning technologies; development of electronic information resources were outlined.


  • Ɉɛʉɪɭɧɬɨɜɚɧɨ ɩɪɨɜɿɞɧɭ ɪɨɥɶ ɩɪɢɪɨɞɧɢɱɨ-ɧɚɭɤɨɜɨʀ ɩɿɞɝɨɬɨɜɤɢ ɦɚɣɛɭɬɧɿɯ ɩɫɢɯɨɥɨɝɿɜ ɭ ɪɟɮɨɪɦɭɜɚɧɧɿ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɢ ɩɫɢɯɨɥɨɝɿɱɧɨʀ ɨɫɜɿɬɢ ɬɚ ɡɚɞɨɜɨɥɟɧɧɿ ɩɨɬɪɟɛ ɪɢɧɤɭ ɩɪɚɰɿ ɭ ɪɿɡɧɨɛɿɱɧɨ ɪɨɡɜɢɧɟɧɢɯ, ɟɪɭɞɨɜɚɧɢɯ, ɬɜɨɪɱɢɯ, ɝɪɨɦɚɞɹɧɫɶɤɨ ɡɪɿɥɢɯ, ɡɞɚɬɧɢɯ ɞɨ ɧɨɜɚɬɨɪɫɶɤɨʀ ɞɿɹɥɶɧɨɫɬɿ, ɫɚɦɨɜɞɨɫɤɨɧɚɥɟɧɧɹ ɿ ɫɚɦɨɪɨɡɜɢɬɤɭ ɮɚɯɿɜɰɹɯ. ɍɬɨɱɧɟɧɨ ɡɦɿɫɬ ɩɨɧɹɬɬɹ «ɩɪɢɪɨɞɧɢɱɨ-ɧɚɭɤɨɜɚ ɩɿɞɝɨɬɨɜɤɚ ɦɚɣɛɭɬɧɿɯ ɩɫɢɯɨɥɨɝɿɜ»

  • It was noted that the urgency of optimization of natural and scientific training, on the one hand, is due to the processes of national education integration into the European educational space and global changes in the labor market, which create the demand in a fully developed, creative, capable for innovative activity, self-developed specialists, and on the other hand, it is the basis for professional competencies formation, the justification for professional activities, and guarantee high competitiveness on both national and world markets

  • According to the results of the survey, it was determined that students psychologists, regardless the year of study in higher education institutions, do not have a deep understanding of significance of science education and have insufficient level of motivation to study science

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Ɉɛʉɪɭɧɬɨɜɚɧɨ ɩɪɨɜɿɞɧɭ ɪɨɥɶ ɩɪɢɪɨɞɧɢɱɨ-ɧɚɭɤɨɜɨʀ ɩɿɞɝɨɬɨɜɤɢ ɦɚɣɛɭɬɧɿɯ ɩɫɢɯɨɥɨɝɿɜ ɭ ɪɟɮɨɪɦɭɜɚɧɧɿ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɢ ɩɫɢɯɨɥɨɝɿɱɧɨʀ ɨɫɜɿɬɢ ɬɚ ɡɚɞɨɜɨɥɟɧɧɿ ɩɨɬɪɟɛ ɪɢɧɤɭ ɩɪɚɰɿ ɭ ɪɿɡɧɨɛɿɱɧɨ ɪɨɡɜɢɧɟɧɢɯ, ɟɪɭɞɨɜɚɧɢɯ, ɬɜɨɪɱɢɯ, ɝɪɨɦɚɞɹɧɫɶɤɨ ɡɪɿɥɢɯ, ɡɞɚɬɧɢɯ ɞɨ ɧɨɜɚɬɨɪɫɶɤɨʀ ɞɿɹɥɶɧɨɫɬɿ, ɫɚɦɨɜɞɨɫɤɨɧɚɥɟɧɧɹ ɿ ɫɚɦɨɪɨɡɜɢɬɤɭ ɮɚɯɿɜɰɹɯ. ɍɬɨɱɧɟɧɨ ɡɦɿɫɬ ɩɨɧɹɬɬɹ «ɩɪɢɪɨɞɧɢɱɨ-ɧɚɭɤɨɜɚ ɩɿɞɝɨɬɨɜɤɚ ɦɚɣɛɭɬɧɿɯ ɩɫɢɯɨɥɨɝɿɜ». Ɂɚ ɪɟɡɭɥɶɬɚɬɚɦɢ ɚɧɤɟɬɭɜɚɧɧɹ ɫɬɭɞɟɧɬɿɜ ɜɢɡɧɚɱɟɧɨ, ɳɨ ɦɚɣɛɭɬɧɿ ɩɫɢɯɨɥɨɝɢ, ɧɟɡɚɥɟɠɧɨ ɜɿɞ ɪɨɤɭ ɧɚɜɱɚɧɧɹ ɭ ɁȼɈ, ɧɟ ɜɨɥɨɞɿɸɬɶ ɝɥɢɛɨɤɢɦ ɪɨɡɭɦɿɧɧɹɦ ɡɧɚɱɭɳɨɫɬɿ ɩɪɢɪɨɞɧɢɱɨ-ɧɚɭɤɨɜɨʀ ɩɿɞɝɨɬɨɜɤɢ ɬɚ ɦɚɸɬɶ ɧɟɞɨɫɬɚɬɧɿɣ ɪɿɜɟɧɶ ɦɨɬɢɜɚɰɿʀ ɳɨɞɨ ɜɢɜɱɟɧɧɹ ɩɪɢɪɨɞɧɢɱɨ-ɧɚɭɤɨɜɢɯ ɞɢɫɰɢɩɥɿɧ.

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