
The article is devoted to the analysis of cases of neutralization of gender attribution of phraseological units in their live use in modern media speech. Russian Russian phraseology The aim of the work is to study the dynamics of ideas about the masculine and feminine gender in Russian phraseology based on the identification of forms of neutralization of gender attribution, their classification and analysis of the noted transformations when using stable combinations in newspaper texts of the National Corpus of the Russian language. The following research methods are used in the work: continuous sampling method, observation of language material, lexicographic, lexico-semantic and contextual analysis, classification, analysis, generalization. Three ways of neutralization of gender attribution of phraseological units are considered: neutralization of gender at the level of dictionary definitions (indication of kinship with a person as a whole, without gender differentiation: Ivan, who does not remember kinship), neutralization at the grammatical level (compatibility with the object of the opposite grammatical gender: sleeping beauty), the use of phraseological turnover in relation to the person of the opposite pola (free Cossack). It is shown that, despite the strength of gender stereotypes in the linguistic consciousness, they are not frozen: gender representations change in the process of social development, which is expressed in the transformation of semantics and the compatibility of gender-marked phraseological units, rethinking their one-line connection with masculinity / femininity.The identification of ways to neutralize the gender attribution of phraseological units contributes to the study of gender manifestations in phraseology. The description of modern phraseological usage is important from the point of view of ascertaining the constancy in the linguistic consciousness of established gender stereotypes and shifts in their perception, as well as the accumulation of data on the mechanisms of functioning of idiomatics and the development of phraseological meaning.

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