
Objective. The objective of the article is to conduct a contextual linguostylistic analysis of the slangisms of the British English language range and the ways of their translation into Ukrainian via the examples of a modern English «working» novel. Methods. The main scientific results are obtained applying a set of general scientific and special methods of research, namely: analysis and generalization of scientific and educational-methodical literature on the problems of the use, formation and translation of slangisms; theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis; holistic and integral approaches to the study of linguistic phenomena; comparative, descriptive and analytical. Results. The сщтвгсеув contextual linguistic-stylistic analysis of slangisms testifies to the presence of a large number of slang words in the works of modern English «working» novelists and tendency of democratization of English colloquial language due to non-literary stylistic expression. The problem of slang translation has always been relevant. Spoken language is constantly changing, and this creates even more difficulties in translation, not to mention the use of new loose words. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the following ways of translation are used to reproduce the slangs of the modern English «working» novel: adequate translation, calque, addition, ommition, concretization, generalization, antonymous translation, compensation, semantic development, free translation. When translating slang units, the time factor should be taken into account, as slang changes as a linguistic feature of generations; hence, a poorly matched match sometimes threatens to turn into an anachronism. The author argues that when translating slang one has to either look for a similar Ukrainian slang that has approximately the same expressiveness, or follow the way of interpretation and explanation of the meaning, ie use a descriptive method of translation.

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