
A fundamental problem in computer and communication networks is the wavelength assignment (WA) problem: given a set of routing paths on a network, assign wavelengths (channels) to the paths such that the paths with the same wavelength are edge-disjoint. The optimization problem here is to minimize the number of wavelengths. A popular network topology is a tree of rings. It is known NP-hard to find the minimum number of wavelengths for the WA problem on a tree of rings. Let L be the maximum number of paths on any edge in the network. Then L is a lower bound on the number of wavelengths for the WA problem. We give a polynomial time algorithm which uses at most 3L wavelengths for the WA problem on a tree of rings with node degree at most eight. This improves the previous result of 4L. We also show that some instances of the WA problem require at least 3L wavelengths on a tree of rings, implying that the 3L upper bound is optimal for the worst case instances. In addition, we prove that our algorithm has approximation ratios 2 and 2.5 for a tree of rings with node degrees at most four and six, respectively.

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