
A fundamental problem in communication networks is wavelength assignment (WA): given a set of routing paths on a network, assign a wavelength to each path such that the paths with the same wavelength are edge-disjoint, using the minimum number of wavelengths. The WA problem is NP-hard for a tree of rings network which is well used in practice. In this paper, we give an efficient algorithm which solves the WA problem on a tree of rings with an arbitrary (node) degree using at most 3 L wavelengths and achieves an approximation ratio of 2.75 asymptotically, where L is the maximum number of paths on any link in the network. The 3 L upper bound is tight since there are instances of the WA problem that require 3 L wavelengths even on a tree of rings with degree four. We also give a 3 L and 2-approximation (resp. 2.5-approximation) algorithm for the WA problem on a tree of rings with degree at most six (resp. eight). Previous results include: 4 L (resp. 3 L ) wavelengths for trees of rings with arbitrary degrees (resp. degree at most eight), and 2-approximation (resp. 2.5-approximation) algorithm for trees of rings with degree four (resp. six).

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