
Wavefront sensing with numerical phase-error correction system is carried out using a random phase plate and phase retrieval using multiple intensity measurements of axially-displaced speckle patterns and the wave propagation equation. Various wavefronts with smooth curvatures incident on the developed phase plate (DPP) are examined: planar, spherical, cylindrical, and a wavefront passing through the side of a bare optical fiber. Spurious fringe pattern in the wavefront reconstructions due to a small tilt (Delta theta=0.212 degrees) in the plane illumination wave is detected and numerically corrected for. Fringe pattern of the illumination wave obtained for the setup without the phase object being investigated is used as reference fringe pattern. Fringe compensation yields wavefronts with the correct shape and numerical value based on the specifications of the setup. The numerical phase-error correction system described in this study can be extended to other types of phase errors such as those due to aberrations if optical elements are present in the setup or due to perturbations in the environment.

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