
In shallow waters the wave height distribution significantly differs from Rayleigh distribution during extreme wind
 conditions. The EurOtop manual (Pullen et al. 2007) recommends the use of a composite Rayleigh-Weibull distribution proposed by Battjes and Groenendijk (2000) in order to describe the wave statistics in shallow waters. A test of this recommendation by using wave measurements with continuously operated radar level gauges at three different sites at the German North Sea coast for comparison revealed the necessity for a change in the parameterization given in the EurOtop manual.
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 Pullen, T., N.W.H. Allsop, T. Bruce, A. Kortenhaus, H. Schuttrumpf, and J.W. van der Meer. 2007. EurOtop - Wave Overtopping of Sea Defences and Related Structures: Assessment Manual, Die Kuste, 73, 193 pp. (online:


  • The design of offshore or coastal structures, like offshore wind farms or breakwaters, is generally taking reference to the maximum wave height to be expected during storms

  • In shallow water the distribution significantly differs from the Rayleigh type (Klopman and Stive, 1989, Nelson, 1994, Burchardt et al, 1996, Battjes and Groenendijk, 2000), the Rayleigh distribution is still widely used in designing structures in shallow waters, what leads to oversized and excessively costly structures

  • The wave height distribution calculated with Battjes-Groenendijk approach using the original parameter set of Battjes and Groenendijk (2000) underestimates the probability of high waves

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The design of offshore or coastal structures, like offshore wind farms or breakwaters, is generally taking reference to the maximum wave height to be expected during storms. The operation of the wave sensors is ongoing since August 2002 at the gauge Borkum, since September 2006 at the lighthouse “Alte Weser” and since February 2008 at the research platform FINO 1. 1 hour intervals fulfilling the shallow water condition Hmax/d > 0.35 were selected for further analysis of the wave height distribution (see Fig. 5).

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