
We determine the parameters of an algebraic radial wave function (a solution of the Ginocchio potential) corresponding to the ${\mathit{d}}_{5/2}$ valence neutron orbital of $^{17}\mathrm{O}$ by making a fit to the high ${\mathit{q}}^{2}$ magnetic electron scattering data. The wave function so determined is similar to other finite well wave functions also fitted to these data. It has, however, an rms radius about 6--10 % larger than the corresponding Woods-Saxon wave functions. We suggest from this result that (i) the determination of rms radii of valence nucleon radial wave functions from magnetic electron scattering is more model dependent than previously realized, and (ii) the Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer anomaly in A=17 may be underestimated by previous calculations with finite wells.

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