
This case describes a family business producing gravy mix spices—known as' gravy 'in Malay—that has been operating since the 1970s in Kampung Kubang Pasu, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. In 1984, Mr.Mohd Anazim Adnan (henceforth he shall be known as "Anazim"), a family member of the third generation, was entrusted with the legacy of this mixed spice "gravy" business that was started by her great grandmother. In 1986, via Kilang Bimbingan Bank, Pembanggunan started the first pilot test in Kota Bharu. In line with the development of the local food industry and the transition of business management from the store to the factory, Mr. Adnan (Anazim's father) applied for the grant and set up the wau tradisi in 1986 in Kilang Jalan, Padang Tembak. As a result, the transition from Anazim's father to him was successful. The company was able to maintain the success of this mixed spice gravy by continuing the family’s secret recipe for generations. Most of the traditional methods for food manufacturing and business management are still practiced in the business of Wau Tradisi. As the company manager, Anazim feels there is a need to update the company’s management, expand the market, and conduct research on the products. Because the mixed spices gravy market is highly demanded in Malaysia, and there is not enough supply to supply all of Peninsular Malaysia, In the transition and expansion process, there are two vital turning points that have to be overcome. First, the product branding, and second, the human resources. During the period, Anazim faced difficulties managing the obstacles, such as poor support from its management and documentation issues. Anazim was able to move the business forward after the obstacles were removed by using trial and error steps. Currently, Anazim is able to expand his business internationally and capture the demand both locally and internationally. ===== Case Teaching Strategy This case is rated medium to difficult; depending on how deep the analysis one wants to undertake. The case should be distributed to participants or students a few days before the discussion session takes place, and at least THREE HOURS should be allocated for the discussion and class activity. If desired, the initial discussion can be conducted in groups of THREE or FOUR participants/students and followed by a general class discussion. For students, the case study can be used for a long report in lieu of the traditional final exam. ==== Teaching note You do not currently have access to these teaching notes. Please email at geric@umk.edu.my if you require the teaching note. Teaching notes accompany case studies with suggested learning objectives, classroom methods, and potential assignment questions. They support dynamic classroom discussion to help develop student's analytical skill

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