
Stabilization of the unipolar state via the formation of inhomogeneous impurity distribution in crystal bulk is considered. Possible growth of crystals with stable characteristics is demonstrated on triglycine sulfate (TGS) crystals with a regular inhomogeneous impurity distribution. The properties of TGS crystals with an inhomogeneous distribution of chromium ions grown above and below the Curie temperature T C are studied. Inhomogeneous TGS crystals of three types are obtained: type-I crystals with a smooth variation of the concentration gradient along the growth direction, type-II crystals with a periodic layer variation of the impurity concentration, and type-III crystals with a sawtooth-like variation of the impurity concentration along the sample length. The TGS crystals with the regular inhomogeneous impurity distribution in the ferroelectric phase are characterized by higher values of the internal bias field E b , unipolarity coefficient k, and pyroelectric coefficient γ than the inhomogeneous crystals in the paraelectric phase and the crystals with the statistic impurity distribution grown by the conventional method.

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