
Pure and l-alanine doped Triglycine sulphate (TGS) crystals were grown in paraelectric phase (∼52 °C). Doped crystals show unequal growth rates along the ferroelectric axis. Pure TGS crystals show peculiar dielectric behavior in the ferroelectric phase, after crossing up and down the Curie point in two successive runs between room temperature and 80 °C. Much higher and unstable permittivity was found returning in the ferroelectric phase. At constant temperature (35 °C), permittivity follows a relaxation process, characterized by two relaxation times. l-Alanine doped TGS crystal shows more than one order of magnitude smaller permittivity and dielectric losses. Internal bias field of ∼1 kV/cm, induced by the dopant, made the crystal almost monodomain and pined polarization in one direction. Pyroelectric coefficient measurements were performed at constant heating rate of the samples, using a computer controlled He cryostat and Keithley 6517 electrometer. The temperature dependence of P + polarization component, obtained by computer integration of the pyroelectric coefficient, was measured on a large temperature interval (−20/+80 °C). Pyroelectric coefficient of the doped samples was also measured by the same procedure, using a dc bias electric field, pointing in the opposite direction to the pined polarization. The polarization could be reversed, on the whole temperature range, by dc fields higher than bias or coercive field. Surprisingly, for the first time, the pyroelectric coefficient ( p) was found constant on quite large temperature intervals. Doped TGS crystals show much smaller values of permittivity ɛ r versus the pure one and consequently, get higher figure of merit M = p/ ɛ r. The pyroelectric coefficient of this material can be tailored to become constant on a defined temperature range, under a dc field control. This characteristic makes this material valuable to be used as pyroelectric material for IR devices.

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