
Uric acid is the product of the body from foods that contain high purines. Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) exocarp contains active compounds such as lycopene and flavonoids, which can inhibit the formation of free radicals and inhibit xanthine oxidation. This study aims to determine the activity of watermelon exocarp extract on uric acid levels in male mice. Twenty-five mice were divided into five experimental groups, with each treatment consisting of five replicate male mice. Treatment groups consisted of a solvent control (CMC Na 0.5%), a positive control (Allopurinol 0.26 mg/20gBB), dose I (Watermelon exocarp extract 50 mg/kgBB), dose II (Watermelon exocarp extract 100 mg/kgBB), dose III (Watermelon exocarp extract 200 mg/kgBB). Then the test animals were measured for uric acid levels, and each treatment was carried out with induction of chicken liver suspension 25 mg/kgBB until it showed that the mice had hyperuricemia. Mice were treated similarly to the treatment group for 15 days until their uric acid levels became normal. Blood uric acid levels were measured on days 5, 10, and 15. The results showed that all treatment doses had activity as a reduction in uric acid levels, and dose III of watermelon exocarp extract 200 mg/kgBB with a duration of 15 days was the most effective dose as a reduction in uric acid levels with a percentage reduction of 53,16 %.

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