
The research was conducted to identify water scarcity in Balochistan - a semi arid landmass ; and analyse options that could be utilised to make available water for agriculture and livestock in the province. The paper is in descriptive form based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of primary and secondary sources and information received from government departments and internet; and interviews conducted with persons related to the issue. A case study of a Pakistan Water and Power Authority (WAPDA) project of construction of small/ medium dam, illustrates the economic benefits of such dams for increasing crop intensity and cropped land. Increasing water storage capacity, recharging ground water, better water management by shifting to high efficiency irrigation systems, enhancing capacity of canals to utilise full share of Indus River, shifting to high value crops and standardising livestock would boost agriculture to ensure food security for the present and future needs of growing population. Continuous review of National Water Policy (NWP) while implementing salient features of the policy to realise its objectives.

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