
Agricultural production can only be sustained on a long term basis if the land, water and forests on which it is based are not degraded further. Improvements in water resources management are essential to raise agricultural productivity and reduce land degradation and water pollution. Salinization, alkalization and water logging should be addressed by a more careful approach to drainage and the regulation of water quantities through efficient use of irrigation water, which require that water be applied to growing crops at appropriate times and in adequate. The integrated management of water resources could only be possible through adoption of efficient and optimum use of irrigation water, which could only be ensured by judicious and economic use of irrigation potential whatsoever created to increase crop production. The integrated water resources management also includes the concept of rainwater management that has got an immense important on the way to develop the rainfed farming system. It has got relevancy particularly in installing small-scale irrigation system based on farmers’ participatory approach for sustainable crop production for maintaining sustainable growth and development of agriculture. Modern irrigation techniques like sprinkler and drip should be promoted when water is scarce and the topographic and soil conditions do not permit efficient irrigation by conventional methods. Promotions of such water saving devices should be an objective of the national water policy. Water resource management is a integrated and multidisciplinary activity, managing irrigation water that needs agronomy and crop husbandry, efficient methods and system of irrigation needs soils scientists and engineers. More than 98% of the irrigated lands are under the coverage of surface irrigation where more than 50% of water as considered as wastages wherein effective minimization of wastage of water used for irrigation and application of right quantity of water at right time will be the key to successful management of this crucial resource. So question of judicious management of water is pertinent while prioritizing researchable issues became of national importance.

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