
Water feature extraction is a challenging task in remote sensing. In this research work, a new water index is implemented for easy identification of water pixels. The Area of interest is extracted with desired shape file. Here water bodies from kalahasti region are extracted, which is in Chittoor district. The Water indices are used to identify water pixels from Landsat-8 image, which has high spectral resolution. This image is multi-spectral image comprising of eleven bands. Interactive supervised classification is implemented for segmenting the satellite image. The image is classified into two categories i.e. water bodies and non-water bodies. Then MNDWI2-PC (Normalized Difference Water Index2-Principal Component) is applied to LANDSAT-8 image. Then this image is segmented into water bodies and non-water bodies. Finally accuracy assessment is carried out by confusion or error matrix. Quantitative parameters such as Overall Accuracy (OA), Kappa Coefficient (KC), Overall Kappa Coefficient (OKC) User’s accuracy (UA), Producer’s Accuracy (PA), and F1 score (F-Measure) are calculated for this multi-spectral satellite imagery. The algorithm reduced misclassification of water pixels with urban pixels, vegetation and other land covers. The algorithm outperforms in terms of quantitative performance metrics.

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