
The present study deals with quantitative and qualitative analysis of water. Water is essential for life on Earth, and it has finite resources in the world. Water resources are very beneficial to humans, and beyond human uses, they have a crucial role in every living creature. Nevertheless, as the population increases and moves, the accessibility of quality and quantity of water systems declines. For quantitative analysis, a water audit was conducted in the Indrapuri colony of Haibat Mau Mawaiya locality, Lucknow, India. The water audit gives a balanced, scientific framework that classifies a system’s exclusive use of water and controls problems associated with drought, losses, leakage, and shortage. The quality of water indicates the condition of water concerning its suitability for a designated use like drinking, bathing, and so on. The qualitative analysis was done by taking several physicochemical parameters of water. If these parameters do not meet the standards, further preventive measures are required for social well-being and good economic health. Standards of water quality make sure the appropriate use of water for different purposes like drinking, industrial, irrigation, etc. For social well-being and good economic health, water quality is vital.

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