
目前大量景观类湖泊在人工布局下呈现形状不规整的特点,容易造成湖湾水体滞留形成死水区,水质恶化问题日益突出,本文以星湖为研究区域,建立基于环境流体生态动力学(EFDC)模型的星湖水动力-风场耦合模型,以水龄作为衡量水体交换速率的指标,设计12种工况模拟计算不同出入湖通道布局及流量配比、引江济星工程和风场对星湖水龄时空分布的影响.结果表明:星湖水龄存在季节性和空间性分布差异,春季主导风向与湖体流动主方向互斥,抑制了波海湖水体交换,导致水龄在春季较长,而秋季南西南季风促进中心湖等水体交换,致使水龄偏短,也反映出风向的影响存在湖区空间异质性,风向为南东南时星湖整体水龄最小;入湖口通道布局及流量配比对湖区水体交换速率存在影响,以外坑为波海湖入湖口且波海湖、中心湖、仙女湖入流比为4:3:3时,星湖整体水龄最小,拟建的青莲湖出水口和仙女湖出水口能有效加快青莲湖东北部和仙女湖东南部的水体交换速率;综合考虑调水引流效益、经济投资、生态开发和占地的成本,方案二为最优调水引流方案.本研究强调入湖口布局、流量大小和比例、及风场等因素对城市内湖水体置换的影响,为人为干扰下的景观湖泊的治理和管控提供科学支撑.;At present, a large number of Landscape lakes have the characteristics of irregular shape under the artificial layout, which is easy to cause bay water retention and form dead zones. The water quality deterioration is increasingly prominent. This paper takes Lake Star as the research area, based on EFDC (environmental fluid dynamics code) model that hydrodynamic-wind field coupling model was set up, the water age is taken as the index to measure the water exchange rate, 12 working conditions were designed to calculate the influence of different access points and flow ratio, Water Diversion Project from the West River to Lake Star and wind field on the spatial and temporal distribution of water age in Lake Star. The result shows that:there are seasonal and spatial distribution differences in the water age of Lake Star. The dominant wind direction in spring and the main flow direction of the lake are mutually exclusive, which restrained the water exchange with Lake Bohai, resulting in a longer water age in spring. The south-southwest monsoon in autumn promotes the water exchange of Lake Central and other water bodies, resulting in a shorter water age, which also reflects the influence of wind direction on the spatial heterogeneity of the lake area. When the wind direction is southeast, the water age of Lake Star is the smallest; the channel layout and flow ratio have influence on the water exchange rate in the lake area, the outer pit is the entrance of Lake Bohai and when the inflow ratio of Lake Bohai, Lake Central and Lake Xiannv is 4:3:3, the overall water age of Lake Star is the smallest, the proposed outlets of Lake Qinglian and Lake Xiannv can effectively accelerate the water exchange rate in the northeast of Lake Xiannv and southeast of Lake Qinglian; comprehensive study considering the benefit of water diversion, economic investment, cost of ecological development and land occupation, the second scheme is the optimal water diversion scheme. This study emphasizes the influence of the layout of the lake entrance, the size and proportion of the flow, and the wind field on the water replacement of the municipal lakes, which provides scientific support for the management and control of the landscape lakes under human disturbance.

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