
<h3>Connor Named Commerce Secretary.—</h3> President Johnson selected John T. Connor, president of Merck &amp; Co., Inc., to succeed Luther Hodges as Commerce Secretary. Connor, 50, served as a former special assistant to the late one-time Defense Secretary James Forrestal. Johnson said he would send Connor's nomination to Congress at an early date and hoped his new Cabinet choice would be able to take over from Hodges on January 15. The appointment will require confirmation by the Senate. Johnson praised Connor. Johnson said Connor, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Syracuse and the Harvard Law School, was the kind of man he wanted in the Cabinet. "He is smart and he is loyal and he is patriotic," Johnson said. Connor was co-chairman of the National Independent Committee for Johnson and Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey in the election campaign. Connor had been president of Merck since 1955. He has had a long

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