In this paper, we examine the possible realization of a new inflation family called “shaft inflation” by assuming the modified Chaplygin gas model and a tachyon scalar field. We also consider the special form of the dissipative coefficient Gamma ={a_0}frac{T^{3}}{phi ^{2 }} and calculate the various inflationary parameters in the scenario of strong and weak dissipative regimes. In order to examine the behavior of inflationary parameters, the n_s – phi ,, n_s –r, and n_s – alpha _s planes (where n_s,, alpha _s,, r, and phi represent the spectral index, its running, tensor-to-scalar ratio, and scalar field, respectively) are being developed, which lead to the constraints r< 0.11, n_s=0.96 pm 0.025, and alpha _s =-0.019 pm 0.025. It is quite interesting that these results of the inflationary parameters are compatible with BICEP2, WMAP (7+9) and recent Planck data.
Inflation is the most acceptable paradigm that describes the physics of the very early universe
Besides solving most of the shortcomings of the hot big-bang scenario, like the horizon, the flatness, and the monopole problems [1,2,3,4,5,6], inflation generates a mechanism to explain the large-scale structure (LSS) of the universe [7,8,9,10,11] and the origin of the anisotropies observed in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation [12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]
The warm modified Chaplygin gas (MCG) inflationary scenario is being investigated with the shaft potential for a tachyon scalar field
Inflation is the most acceptable paradigm that describes the physics of the very early universe. The warm inflation scenario, as opposed to standard cold inflation, has the essential feature that a reheating phase is avoided at the end of the accelerated expansion due to the decay of the inflaton into radiation and particles during the slow-roll phase [23,24,25]. Del campo and Herrera [30] discussed the warm inflationary model in the presence of a standard scalar field, the dissipation coefficient of the form ∝ φn, and the generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG); one extracted various inflationary parameters. A new family of inflation models is being developed named shaft inflation [50] The idea of this inflation was that the inflationary flatness is effected by a shaft i.e; when the scalar field found itself nearest to one of them, it slow-rolls inside the shaft, until inflation ends and gives way to hot big bang cosmology.
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