
The International System has been marked by wars, peace, and diplomacy, each playing a crucial role in shaping the strategic history of the world. In the realm of international relations, war, peace and diplomacy form the central themes of interaction between states. War and peace have been used interchangeably to not only claim territories, but also to engage with each other. With the development of diplomacy as a means of interaction between sovereign states, a new frontier was opened which the world has adopted with enthusiasm. However, there remains lessons from significant epochs concerning war and its engagement which offer crucial insights into international relations. Wars have led to the creation of new states, the destruction of empires, and the emergence of new power dynamics. Diplomacy, on the other hand, has been used to resolve conflicts and reach peaceful settlements. This paper discusses the role of war, peace, and diplomacy in the strategic history of the International System. The study found that the International System has been marked by numerous wars that have shaped the strategic landscape of the world. Wars have been responsible for the creation of new states, the destruction of empires, and the emergence of new power dynamics. Based on the findings, peace has also played a crucial role in shaping the International System. The end of World War II marked the beginning of a period of relative peace in Europe, marked by the formation of the European Union, which has played a critical role in promoting economic cooperation and reducing the likelihood of conflict. The study recommends that nations should prioritize peaceful means of resolving conflicts over wars. Secondly, diplomatic efforts should be encouraged and supported to resolve conflicts and promote peace, and the international community should continue to work towards global cooperation to promote peace and stability.

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