
Travel risk factors are always becoming tourist considerations to make decisions. The most important travel risks are health problems and the disease that exist in the destination. That existence often affects the perception of tourists. This perception is also exacerbated by the emergence of travel warnings issued by related institutions. Thus, perceptions of travel risks and travel warnings simultaneously influence travelers' decisions. Using a descriptive qualitative approach through a literature review, this study found several internal and external indicators that influence tourist perceptions of disease, as well as indicators that influence their perception of travel warnings as an emphasis on the current situation that occurs in affected tourist destinations. These indicators need to be considered as an effort to respond and restore the situation if Indonesia is later affected by a disease and travel warnings.
 Keywords: Disease, Travel Warnings, Travel Risk, Tourism


  • Setiap perjalanan wisata, identik dan tidak pernah lepas dari kemungkinan risiko yang akan dijumpai

  • Using a descriptive qualitative approach through a literature review, this study found several internal and external indicators that influence tourist perceptions of disease, as well as indicators that influence their perception of travel warnings as an emphasis on the current situation that occurs in affected tourist destinations

  • Penulis adalah lulusan S1 Seni Rupa, dan sedang menempuh Pendidikan Magister Manajemen Pemasaran

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Wabah dan Peringatan Perjalanan Dalam Persepsi Wisatawan

Keberadaan wabah dan masalah kesehatan di destinasi wisata tujuan, membuat lembaga terkait, memberikan perhatian berupa peringatan perjalanan bagi wisatawan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor yang dapat memengaruhi persepsi wisatawan saat destinasi tujuan wisatanya terdampak wabah dan peringatan perjalanan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indikator yang memengaruhi persepsi wisatawan terhadap wabah dan peringatan perjalanan. Beberapa dari mereka tidak melakukan persiapan ketika berkunjung ke destinasi terdampak (Rack et al, 2006), sebagian lainnya memiliki tingkat kesadaran terhadap risiko wabah yang tinggi dan membuat mereka lebih siap untuk berkunjung (CHUO, 2007; Pennings et al, 2002).

Pengalaman Berkunjung
Persepsi Risiko Terhadap Peringatan Perjalanan Terkait Wabah
Keberadaan Asuransi Perjalanan
Simpulan dan Saran
Daftar Pustaka
Profil Penulis
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