
The main objective of this study is analysis of the positions of the Vatican and Czechoslovakia during mutual negotiations, considering of political and social changes in 1960s with influences on the situation of catholic church in Czechoslovakia. In following paragraphs there are analyses of mutual relations between state and church in Czechoslovakia during the 1950s, which had an influences to situation and relations between state and church in 1960s, informations about the changes in eastern politic of Vatican, starting of negotiations in the context of Second council of Vatican, which has an influence on life of catholic church in Czechoslovakia, and finally there are analyses of mutual negotiations between Vatican and Czechoslovakia during the 1960s. Importance of the study is based mainly on the analyses of mutual negotiations and partial results of that negotiations, including the influences to concrete chapters of church life in Czechoslovakia in the historical context of individual events. That could contribute to detail exploring of mutual relationships between the czechoslovakian state aparate and catholic church. The main object of the study was fulfilled, although in the future it is not excluded that can occur as well as new historical insights on the issue.

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