
In this work, we study the vulnerability of link-weighted networks against different central-attack strategies. We simulate simultaneous and sequential attacks on networks based on three network centralities, viz. degree (DC), betweenness (BC) and closeness (CC) centralities. We observed two network properties, the disintegration of giant components and updates in the average geodesic distance, to assess the severity of attacks. If the severity of attacks is calculated based on the first property alone, BC and DC-based attacks are the most hazardous. But, if the severity is computed based on the latter property, the average geodesic distance, the CC-based attacks found to be equally relevant. We show that sequential attacks based on CC are effective in crippling link-weighted networks.Also, suppose that the critical nodes (nodes with high BC and DC) in the network are protected. In such a circumstance, we show that the fallback strategy based on profile closeness is indeed a reasonable approach for attacking protected, link-weighted networks.

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