
Sibolangit is one of districts in Deli Serdang that has wavy and hilly relief and has high gradient of slope. This condition causes Sibolangit is vulnerable towards natural landslide. One of the causes of landslide is population density and slope gradient / Based on BPS data in 2018, the population growth/year from 2016 to 2016 is 2.42% and in 2015 to 2016 is 2.37%. It shows that the growth in Sibolanngit increases where the population densitiy affects the changes of land use. People living on a land with high gradient is most likely to be one of the causes of slide. This research is to determine the vulnaribility level in Sibolangit based on population density and gradient. The analysis is done using Geographic System Information. Parameter used is gradient, population density, working factor, number of children, number of the elderly, and number of women to map the vulnaribility. Risk Map with citizenship as parameter has three classes such as low, high and very high.

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