
The aim was to identify aspects of vulnerability in the face of repeat pregnancies in adolescents according to sociodemographic, gynecological, obstetric, and contraceptive variables, and to determine whether or not these pregnancies were planned. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach with 323 postpartum adolescents hospitalized in a rooming-in unit of a maternity hospital located in the Center-South region of the city of São Paulo for 12 months. Using the Two Step Cluster method, two groups were identified by similarity between their variables. Cluster 2 was made up of adolescents who had vulnerability factors in the face of repeat unplanned pregnancies because they had higher rates of current and previous unplanned pregnancies, as they adopted unsafe sexual practices in the use of the contraceptive method, justified by the lack of information and care in its use. Group 1 consisted of adolescents who scheduled their pregnancy, thus having different prediction variables from the others, such as a lower number of sexual partners and spontaneous abortions. Faced with such results, there is a need to expand and better understand the concepts about the occurrence of pregnancy at this stage of life.

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