
The sentence pattern “VP buguo” are widely used no matter in pre-modern Chinese (from Tang and Five Dynasties to Qing Dynasty) or modern Chinese (from the late Qing dynasty to this day).Many scholars have made a grammatical analysis of “buguo” complement structure, and divided it into potential complement, resultative complement, degree complement, and state complement. Most of the diachronic studies focus on the grammaticalization process of the degree complement sentences, and there is no research on the diachronic evolution of the “buguo complement structure ” as a whole. By searching and analyzing the relevant sentence patterns of the BCC corpus and the “Compilation of Pre-modern Chinese Grammar Materials” in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, this paper classifies “VP buguo” into different types from the perspective of semantics, including purpose realization, comparison and confrontation, persistence and tolerance, and FangRao (let off). It is concluded that the sentence pattern of “VP buguo” originated in the Tang Dynasty. The purpose realization class appeared first, followed by the comparison and confrontation class and the persistence and tolerance class, the FangRao (let off) class and degree class appeared last. Then the paper analyzes the causes and paths of various “VP buguo” by metaphor theory.

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