
The article analyzes the essence of such terms as: "concept", "education", "higher education", "scientific outlook", "noosphere", "noosphere pedagogy", "planetary thinking" in the context of the views of Volodymyr Vernadskyi. The main aspects of the pedagogical activity of V. Vernadskyi, his ideas regarding the composition of higher education and its role in the existence of society, the preservation of life on Earth are disclosed. The ideas of V. Vernadskyi regarding the higher school as a system in which the formation of a scientific worldview and thought, as determining in the life of mankind, assimilation of universal human culture, takes place; V. Vernadskyi’s concepts of formation of worldview values of young people, as well as the substantiation of a holistic picture of the world, the interdependence of man, nature and society are analyzed in the article; also, author has reviewed the opinion regarding higher education as the main tool and a powerful factor in the spiritual development of humanity and the achievement of the noospheric stage of social development and an important factor in preserving the national identity of Ukraine. Moreover, new scientific approaches to the organization of education, the leading role of universities in the implementation of its strategic tasks, the maximum use of the potential of higher education are substantiated.
 The essence of the concept and the main directions of noosphere pedagogy, the principles of construction and its role in national education, in the creation of a world community without war, and the preservation of the planet Earth are characterized. The importance of science in the implementation of the noosphere concept, which involves the fulfillment of a number of natural, socio-economic and political conditions, the formation of a new biosocial existence of humanity, is reflected. It is emphasized that science becomes the main spiritual tool of the noosphere if it is fixed in the state structure as an important social, artistic, and material phenomenon, that the strengthening of the importance of science in the state inevitably leads to the democratization of all spheres of the state system.

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