Object: To investigate the VOCs from living Prunus persica flowers of different branches and their correlation with floral insects. Special, dominant and 20 VOCs were analysed from living Prunus persica flowers captured by closely and circularly headspace way in adsorbent tubes and ATD-GC/MS on 29 April in Wanbailin Ecological Garden, China. VOCs from high altitude tree are more than low altitude in sunny site, and floral volatile constituents from upslope branches are less than downslope of the same tree on high altitude. Special floral VOCs were alpha-dimethyl-benzenemethanol, isopropyl palmitate, ethylbenzene, p-xylene, acetophenone, 3-ethyl-2-methyl-Heptane on sunny slope, and propylene glycol, decanal, hexadecane on shady slope. Dominant VOCs founded during 8 temporal quanta were toluene, hexane, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, dodecane, pentadecane. Floral VOCs’ number from sunny slope was significantly negative correlated with flower-visiting insect community richness, abundance, diversity on sunny or shady slope, which from shady slope was significantly positive correlated with flower-visiting insect community parameters on both slopes tried dividing insects visiting floral branches from Prunus persica in sunny site with n/2 + 1 or n/2 - 1, and shady site with n/2 before sampled volatiles day. On sampled volatiles day, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol from sunny slope was significantly positive correlated with flower-visiting insect community parameters on shady slope (P < 0.001). After sampled day, hexanal, toluene, dodecane were significantly negative correlated with SUSR, SUSA, SUSD, and positive with SHSR, SHSD, while tetradecane, pentadecane were positive related to SUSR, SUSA, SUSD with n/2 - 1 dividing insects visiting floral branches, but reversely with n/2 + 1 dividing insects visiting floral branches. We concluded that special and dominant volatiles applied to lure flower-visiting insects to promote pollination, and odd floral branches should be kept for every tree when pruning the Prunus persica on sunny slope, and even floral branches kept on shady slope.
Many insect groups are important mutualistic partners of plants, mostly due to their roles as pollinators [1] [2]
Floral VOCs’ number from sunny slope was significantly negative correlated with flower-visiting insect community richness, abundance, diversity on sunny or shady slope, which from shady slope was significantly positive correlated with flower-visiting insect community parameters on both slopes tried dividing insects visiting floral branches from Prunus persica in sunny site with n/2 + 1 or n/2 − 1, and shady site with n/2 before sampled volatiles day
We detected 20 VOCs emitted from Prunus persica floral branches by ATD-GC/MS, and floral VOCs from sunny slope were more than shady site (17 and 10) (Table 1)
Many insect groups are important mutualistic partners of plants, mostly due to their roles as pollinators [1] [2]. The volatile composition of floral scents is not static, spatiotemporal variability in the identity and complexity of scent bouquets could provide critical information for the mediation of plant-insect communication because floral visitors can use subtle difference in. We investigated the floral scent volatile bouquets of Prunus persica, and tested VOCs composition, similarity of different trees, dominant floral volatile dynamic, floral scents correlation with flower-visiting insect community richness, abundance and diversity before, on or after volatiles sampled day with dividing sampled insects visiting floral branches by odd or even method. We report the use of living flowers captured by closely and circularly headspace way in adsorbent tubes and ATD-GC/MS analysed 20 VOCs from Prunus persica flowers, and floral scents correlation with flower-visiting insect richness, abundance and diversity, which are special and dominant floral scents and what the similarity from Prunus persica in different spatial and temporal branches. Does VOCs correlate with floral insect richness, abundance and diversity, we want to know that the insects visiting odd or even flower branches correlated with floral odor closely, so that definite the branches kept when pruning Prunus persica, and promote harvest to get economic benefit
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