
The research is based on the analysis of the main aspects of vocational and pedagogical training of future teachers in Podillia educational institutions (1920–1925). The history of formation of various training courses has been traced, invastigated on the basis of archival and literary sources. They include Vinnytsia short-term pedagogical courses for school workers and representatives of preschool and extra-curricular education, Vinnytsia Institute of Public Education and Higher regular 3-year pedagogical courses (Vinnytsia, Tulchyn, Bershad, Olhopil, Haisyn, Tivriv, Khmilnyk, Nemyriv, Zholobyansk, etc.), designed to provide teachers for all types of schools during a specified period. Changes and innovations in educational process of educational institutions have been considered, features of vocational and pedagogical training of future teachers in the history of formation of the national pedagogical system have been highlighted. It has been stated that a significant role in the educational process was given to the subjects of artistic and esthetic cycle: music, graphic arts, singing, theory and psychology of artistic creativity, which contributed to the formation of vocational and pedagogical culture of future teachers, developed the ability to influence the intellect, will and feelings of the pupils. It has been proved that the vocational and pedagogical training of future teachers in Podillia educational institutions in 1920–1925 has undergone numerous reforms in the conditions of creation of a new Ukrainian school and still needs deep study. Special short-term courses for school workers and representatives of pre-school and out-of-school education were nearly the only pedagogical training (1920–1920), which would provide retraining of teachers in the transition period of reforming pedagogical education, and as a consequence - the actual lack of training for future representatives of education. It has been proved that Vinnytsia Institute of Public Education and Higher regular 3-year pedagogical courses became the leading educational institutions in the professional training of teachers in Podillia (1920–1925). It has been stated that the appeal to historical and pedagogical values, one of which is the vocational and pedagogical training of future teachers, is of great scientific and practical importance.


  • ТАТЬЯНА ЗУЗЯК доктор педагогических наук, доцент Винницкий государственный педагогический университет имени Михаила Коцюбинского ул

  • The research is based on the analysis of the main aspects of vocational and pedagogical training of future teachers in Podillia educational institutions (1920–1925)

  • It has been stated that a significant role in the educational process was given to the subjects of artistic and esthetic cycle: music, graphic arts, singing, theory and psychology of artistic creativity, which contributed to the formation of vocational and pedagogical culture of future teachers, developed the ability to influence the intellect, will and feelings of the pupils

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ПРОФЕСІЙНО-ПЕДАГОГІЧНА ПІДГОТОВКА МАЙБУТНІХ УЧИТЕЛІВ ОСВІТНІМИ ЗАКЛАДАМИ ПОДІЛЛЯ (1920–1925 РОКИ). Дослідження базується на аналізі основних аспектів професійно-педагогічної підготовки майбутніх учителів освітніми закладами Поділля (1920–1925 рр.). Що професійно-педагогічна підготовка майбутніх учителів освітніми закладами Поділля в 1920–1925 рр. Що Вінницький інститут народної освіти та вищі постійні трирічні педагогічні курси стали провідними закладами освіти в професійній підготовці вчителів на Поділлі (1920–1925 рр.). Що звернення до історичних аспектів, однією з яких є професійно-педагогічна підготовка майбутніх учителів, має певне науково-практичне значення і надалі потребує глибокого вивчення. Ключові слова: професійно-педагогічна підготовка, короткотермінові педагогічні курси, інститут народної освіти, вищі постійні трирічні педагогічні курси, Поділля. ТАТЬЯНА ЗУЗЯК доктор педагогических наук, доцент Винницкий государственный педагогический университет имени Михаила Коцюбинского ул. Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Винницкий государственный педагогический университет имени Михаила Коцюбинского ул.

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