
ABSTRACT We analyse the VLT/UVES spectrum of the quasar SDSS J143907.5-010616.7, retrieved from the UVES Spectral Quasar Absorption Database. We identify two outflow systems in the spectrum: a mini broad absorption line (mini-BAL) system and a narrow absorption line (NAL) system. We measure the ionic column densities of the mini-BAL ($v$ = −1550 km s−1) outflow, which has excited state absorption troughs of ${\rm Fe\, \rm {\small {ii}}}$. We determine that the electron number density $\log {n_e}=3.4^{+0.1}_{-0.1}$, based on the ratios between the excited and ground state abundances of ${\rm Fe\, \rm {\small {ii}}}$, and find the kinetic luminosity of the outflow to be ${\lesssim}0.1\,\hbox{per cent}$ of the quasar’s Eddington luminosity, making it insufficient to contribute to AGN feedback.

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