
Synthetic vivianite [Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ·8H 2 O] has been reported to alleviate iron (Fe) chlorosis in crops growing on calcareous soils. To test the effectiveness of vivianite in grapevine we carried out three-year (2003 to 2005) experiments in vineyards located in six different areas of Spain with Denomination of Origin (Rioja, Ribera del Duero, La Mancha, Montilla-Moriles, Condado de Huelva, and Jerez), which differed in grapevine rootstock/variety, climate, and soil properties. In all cases there was at least one treatment in which a suspension of vivianite was injected into the soil at the beginning of the experiment in spring, one control (“–Fe”, no Fe fertilizer added) treatment, and one or more treatments with Fe chelate (FeEDDHA) or an Fe(II) salt applied yearly. The concentration of chlorophyll per unit leaf area was estimated with a portable chlorophyll meter (readings in SPAD units). The SPAD value and the trunk perimeter increment of the vines fertilized with vivianite were significantly higher than those of the control (-Fe) vines through the three years in all fields except the Jerez one. Vivianite was not significantly more effective than Fe-sulfate (in Rioja field) or Fe chelate (in La Mancha field). Our results suggest in summary that vivianite is effective in improving the Fe nutrition of vine and has a significant long-lasting effect of at least three years. This is ascribed to vivianite being incongruently dissolved to produce a poorly crystalline Fe oxide phase (lepidocrocite), which is considered to be a good source of Fe to plant. Vivianite is effective, readily prepared in the field, not easily leached from the soil, cheap, and environmentally safe, constituting thus an adequate Fe fertilizer for grapevine.

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