
AbstractThis chapter presents the Media Watch on Climate Change, a publicly available Web intelligence portal that collects, aggregates and visualizes large archives of digital content from multiple stakeholder groups (documents and user comments from news media, blogs, user-generated content from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, corporate and NGO Web sites, and a range of other sources). An visual dashboard with trend charts and complex map projections not only shows how often and where environmental information is published, but also provides a real-time account of concepts that stakeholders associate with climate change. Positive or negative sentiment is computed automatically, which sheds light on the impact of education and public outreach campaigns that target environmental literacy, and helps to gain a better understanding of how others perceive climate-related issues.KeywordsInformation SpaceSemantic TechnologyPublic OutreachOntology GraphInformation LandscapeThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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