
To determine the role of mantoux test in treatment of ocular TB.Three patients who presented to the OPD with features of anterior Uveitis were examined completely, both systemically and ophthalmologically. BCVA, Color vision, Slit lamp examination, dilated fundus examination was done. Systemic investigations in pertaining to Uveitis was done(CBC, Mantoux, CXR, Serology, ESR).All patients systemically had all investigations negative (including Chest X-ray) except and strong Mantoux reaction with signs of active anterior Uveitis and Vitritis. In collaboration with the department of chest medicine, Anti tubercular treatment was commenced. Patients have recovered from the Uveitis and have improved symptomatically and clinically.Uveitis can be a presenting feature of extra pulmonary TB. Easily available and affordable Mantoux test can help in detecting TB and commencing treatment which can be sight saving. A close follow up for these patients is needed, as they have been started on ATT after testing mantoux strongly positive and should be closely monitored for any ocular toxicity due to ATT.

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