
ABSTRACT This visual literacy study aimed to investigate how Instagram influence students’ interest in learning photography, with a focus on gender differences. Photography, being an integral part of visual art, produces artwork that appeals to many individuals. Therefore, an in-depth investigation was conducted on photography education, with the prevailing stigma surrounding it as a trivial and unpopular pursuit among students compared to scientific subjects. The extent of gender difference was also explored by challenging the assumption that the world of photography predominantly belongs to men. This quantitative study comprised students from Visual Arts Department at Universitas Negeri Semarang as respondents. Non-probability purposive sampling was adopted, enrolling a total of 100 qualified students. The results showed that Instagram positively and significantly influenced interest in learning photography. It also showed no gender disparity in influence of using Instagram as a supportive medium to enhance interest in learning. Instagram proved to be an effective medium for photography education, allowing students to showcase their work for others to appreciate. Essentially, the social platform served as an educational tool for students to experiment with photography. This study elaborated on the equal rights of both men and women to pursue photography education at the university level.

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