
The shared HPC cluster NEMO at the University of Freiburg has been made available to local ATLAS users through the provisioning of virtual machines incorporating the ATLAS software environment analogously to a WLCG center. This concept allows to run both data analysis and production on the HPC host system which is connected to the existing Tier2/Tier3 infrastructure. Schedulers of the two clusters were integrated in a dynamic, on-demand way. An automatically generated, fully functional virtual machine image provides access to the local user environment. The performance in the virtualized environment is evaluated for typical High-Energy Physics applications.


  • ● Job wrapper requests VM start from OpenStack framework

  • VM nodes better performing compared to bare metal

  • ● ROCED integrates local Tier2/Tier3 Slurm and NEMO Moab supervising both schedulers ● No loss of performance on NEMO opportunistic SL6-VMs compared to jobs on native Tier2/Tier3 SL6

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Gamel1,2), Konrad Meier1,2), Ulrike Schnoor1), Markus Schumacher1) ● Use University HPC cluster NEMO (388/TOP500, 287280 HEP-SPEC) to gain additional resources ● Provide full ATLAS / WLCG analysis and production Tier2/Tier3 environment

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