
MRI is a critical component of paediatric healthcare. However, the experience of undergoing an MRI scan (confinement alone within a very peculiar environment, hearing loud and unpredictable noises and having to remain still) remains a difficult and potentially distressing one for many paediatric patients. There are some patients who require a general anaesthetic (GA) in order to undergo MRI. To reduce this “fear factor”, we have developed Virtual Reality (VR) apps for both Android and Apple devices to give the prospective patient an immersive first person perspective of a patient MRI journey through the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children MRI department and the Neurology department in Kings College London. These are free to download in the respective app stores*. The user is guided by a 6 year old female avatar through the VR experience where they access 6 360o videos of the patient journey at each MRI department, including the very difficult shots from within the MRI scanner room and within the bore of the MRI scanner during actual scanning. Users can experience the fully immersive experience using a VR headset or alternatively they can view the app and embedded videos in handset/tablet mode. The apps are also supported by interactive patient preparation booklets.

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