
Now a days the use of hand gesture recognition became popular due to the advance technology of artificial Intelligence (AI). In recent years, there has been a growing interest in developing alternative methods for human-computer interaction (HCI) that go beyond traditional input devices like keyboards and mouse. Hand gesture recognition has emerged as a promising approach, offering intuitive and natural ways for users to interact with digital interfaces. The proposed system utilizes computer vision techniques to detect and track hand gestures in real-time. By mapping specific gestures to mouse control commands, users can navigate and interact with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) without the need for physical input devices. In this paper A hand gesture- controlled virtual mouse system utilizes the AI and Machine learning algorithms to recognize the proper hand gestures and translate them into the mouse movements. The system we are designed that the people who have problems or difficulty using a traditional mouse or keyboard it will be appropriate for them. For this we are using camera that capture images of the user’s hand, which are processed by an AI and ML algorithm to recognize the gesture of hands being made. We trained the system by using a dataset of hand gestures. Keywords — Hand gesture recognition, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Mouse, Python, Media Pipe

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