
This paper concerns the recent Virasoro conjecture for the theory of stable pairs on a 3‐fold proposed by Oblomkov, Okounkov, Pandharipande, and the author. Here we extend the conjecture to 3‐folds with non‐(p,p)‐cohomology and we prove it in two specializations. For the first specialization, we let S be a surface with H1(S)=0 and consider the moduli space Pn(S×P1,n[P1]), which happens to be isomorphic to the Hilbert scheme S[n] of n points on S. The Virasoro constraints for stable pairs, in this case, can be formulated entirely in terms of descendents in the Hilbert scheme of points. The two main ingredients of the proof are the toric case and the existence of universal formulas for integrals of descendents on S[n]. The second specialization consists in taking the 3‐fold X to be a cubic and the curve class β to be the line class. In this case we compute the full theory of stable pairs using the geometry of the Fano variety of lines.

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