
The article is devoted to the study of structural and semantic features of phraseological units with a numeral component in the Vietnamese language. It is noted that the numeral components in the phraseological units can both retain their quantitative meaning and be subjected to partial or complete desemantization. The most productive numeral components of phraseological units in the Vietnamese language are quantitative numerals of the first ten, while the largest number of set expressions are with the numeral một one. In the vast majority of Vietnamese phraseological units, several numerals are used simultaneously, usually two. This is due to the application of the principle of parallelism in the construction of most phraseological units. With the opposite use of numerals, it is possible both to use the same numeral several times, and to use different numerals together. It is noted that ordinal numbers in phraseological units are mostly devoid of symbolic meaning and retain their specific meanings. The features of various groups of numeral phraseological units borrowed from the Chinese language are considered. Using the number ba three as an example, different types of symbolic meanings of numerative components are analyzed. In the course of the study, extensive illustrative material was used. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the importance of phraseological units with a numerological component for understanding the cultural and linguistic picture of the world and the mentality of native Vietnamese speakers.

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