
 Rizka Fauziah Dwi Utami, 1510519041, Video Tutorial Applying Foundation Burning Technique For Oily Facial Skin, Final Project: Diploma 3 Study Program of Cosmetology, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta, 2022.
 The process of cooking or heating the foundation will separate the formula that is in the foundation. All the active ingredients contained in the foundation will evaporate or melt. That way, the foundation will tend to dry when applied to the face. As long as the effect is dry, its use is more suitable for your facial skin. The skin is caused by high sebum production. Sebum is a natural oil that functions to protect and keep the skin clean, but if you burn it for a long time, it will damage the properties of the foundation itself. The process of making this video tutorial consists of pre-production, production, and post-production processes. The feasibility test was carried out by 2 experts, namely: material experts and media experts. The results of the overall assessment and video tutorials on applying the foundation burn technique for facial skin have a 90% rating for material experts and 93% for media experts who fall into the very good category in overall results. Based on these results, the key is that video tutorials are very suitable to be used as references and learning resources for students of Jakarta State University Makeup and the general public.
 Keywords: Video Tutorial, Application of Foundation Burn Technique, Oily Facial Skin.

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