
The competence-based teacher education has been in the focus of Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OUAS) School of Professional Teacher Education (Finland). The need for change in teacher training system has been evident for past 20 years. In 2018, significant reform of vocational education system took place in Finland. This meant change for teacher training organizations. Teachers and schools had to be prepared for reformed system. Constant change, globalization and developing technologies have created a need for significant professional development. Blended learning programs have become a norm and teachers in every sector of education are required to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. The development and the research of the recent years in Oulu University of Applied Sciences School of Professional Teacher Education has dealt with competence-base curriculum development and personalized study paths. Here, five studies from past four years are used to provide data for understanding how educational design is developed and implemented. Learning technology has a supporting role in the teacher training. Many of the learning activities in teacher training rely heavily on fluent use of different technologies that have become common during the past two decades. The use of video is one example of learning technology supporting the principles of competence-based teacher training, teachersโ€™ continuing professional development (CPD) and personalized instruction. The Bologna process, initiated 1999 by European Union members lead into significant development of competence-based practices in higher education and teacher training. All higher education organizations have reacted to follow the goals set by Bologna process. Still, the change has not happened at the same pace everywhere and there are institutions still in the process of realizing how their institution and practices are influenced and are re-aligned based on the Bologna process guidelines [1].

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