Growth phenology of woody plants refers to seasonal biological life cy cles driven by environmental factors, and is considered to be a sensitive and significant indicator of climate change. The proposed study attempted to quantify changes in Viburnum tinus L. phenology between the years 2011 and 2014. Phenological studies were carried out during three years, from April 2011 to Mar ch 2014, in the Botanical garden of the Slovak University of Horticulture in Nitra, by using ground observa tions. Ground observations of Viburnum tinus L. growth processes from April 2011 to April 2014 in 15 day intervals were performed both visually growth and by measuring of the leaf chlorophyll content. Two types of pla nting were managed in the study area; plants planted direct in the ground and were outside during wither time on ly the part which near the soil was covered by leaves and plants planted in pots which removed to gr eenhouse during winter time from end of November till end of March. Leaves in this Viburnum tinus begin to bud break and full leafing from the beginning of the April and continued up to the end of May in plan ts planted in pots, while bud break and full leafing in plants planted direct in the soil begin from end of April and continues up to second week of June. The results show that during study period, the growing season duration has lengthened in plants planted in pots in comparison with plants planted direct in the soil. The chlorophyll content in leaves was measured after taking the leaves from plants in 27.01.2014 when the temperature during the night was (-7°C) and at 9 am was (-3°C) while inside greenhouse the temperature was (8 °C). The results showed that there is a significant difference between the plants in each planting types in content of chlorophyll and caroten oids.
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