
The vibration of a single protein bubble may take place under the action of high pressure difference. In this process, the bubble wall may experience a finite deformation. The equation describing the dynamics of the protein bubble with viscoelastic film in Bingham liquid is derived. A numerical solution to this equation is carried out to study the effect of liquid pressure, the characteristic parameters of Bingham liquid and the viscosity of the protein film on the finite deformation of the bubble. The results show that the vibration of the protein bubble wall is caused by the action of pressure difference, the elastic stress in finite deformation and the dissipation of viscosity of the protein film and Bingham liquid. The vibration is nonlinear. Decreasing the pressure difference between gas and Bingham liquid on both sides of the protein bubble will lead to a change of vibration performance. The frequency and amplitude are reduced, tegether with the speed of vibration damping. In addition, the deformation rate of the bubble is smaller when the amplitude of vibration is reduced, which means shorter time to reach a balance state. On the other side, the increase of the magnitude of viscosity of the protein film or the plastic viscosity of Bingham liquid can restrain the vibration of the protein bubble wall in the course of finite deformation, as a result, the load bearing capacity of bubble is enhanced.

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