
The following experiments were begun with a view to as­ certain the manner in which certain poisons act in destroying life. I soon found that, in order to make any considerable progress in such an inquiry, it is necessary to ascertain how far the powers of the nervous and sanguiferous systems di­rectly depend on each other. There seems never to have been any difference of opinion respecting the direct depend­ence of the nervous on the sanguiferous system. When the powers of circulation are increased or diminished, the nervous system always suffers a corresponding change, nor can the latter, under any circumstances, continue to perform its functions after the former are destroyed. I speak of the warm blooded animals. In cold blooded animals the process of dying is so slow, that the functions of the nervous system abate very gradually, after the circulation has wholly ceased. The converse of the above proposition is by no means so generally admitted. It is evident that certain changes of the nervous, produce corresponding changes in the sanguiferous, system ; yet, while some assert, that the action of the heart depends as immediately on the brain, as that of the latter does on the heart, others maintain, that the nervous power may be wholly destroyed without impairing the vigour of this organ. This point it is necessary to determine, before we can trace with precision the modus operandi of poisons. The following inquiry therefore may be divided into two parts. In the first, I shall endeavour to ascertain how far the power of the heart is influenced by the state of the nervous system; in the other, by what steps certain poisons destroy the powers of both. This I shall reserve for another paper, and here confine my­self to the first part of the subject. Till the time of Haller, it seems to have been the general opinion, that the muscles derive their power from the nervous system. He taught, that the power of the muscles depends on their mechanism, that the nervous influence is merely a stimulus which calls it into action, and consequently that those muscles, the heart for example, which act only by the appli­cation of one peculiar stimulus, unconnected with the nervous system, are wholly independent of it. This opinion seemed confirmed by its being generally admitted, that the action of the heart continues after it is removed from the body, and that it cannot be influenced by stimulating the brain, or spinal marrow, or the nerves which terminate in it. Haller and his followers maintain, that there are two distinct vital powers, one of the nervous and another of the sanguiferous system.

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