
Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) tourism takes great attention from scholars in recent years. Due to its consisting a large part of the tourism market, understanding the motivations of VFR travelers is essential. Several reasons determine the motivations of VFR travelers. The duration of the trip, the attractions of the destination, the frequency of visits are some of these reasons.
 In this study, the motivation of visiting friends or relatives was tried to be revealed by interviewing academicians with similar income and education levels. As a result of the interviews, it was revealed that traditions mostly affect VFR travels. In Turkish traditions, it is especially important to visit family elders and other relatives on holidays. Therefore, the duration of stay can take a few days. Another important factor is the budget. VFR travels are preferred to lodgings because they are more affordable. Participants stated that they preferred to stay with their friends rather than with their relatives.

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