
Today in Ukraine the part of the sausage production segment is about 30 % of all ready meat products. The boiled sausages play the main role among them. About 65 % of general assortment belongs to them among consumers. Safety and quality assurance of sausage is impossible without the conformity of requirements and recipes. The SSTU 4436:2005 “Boiled sausages, sausages, meat breads. General specifications” regulates them in Ukraine. However, today is observed the significant growth of sausages assortment, which are produced by recipes of producers. It allows them to use in production different nutritional supplements, replacement of raw materials, etc. Recent publications of experts shows that about 80 % of food products are falsified. The most common is assortment falsification. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to analyze the conformity of quality and safety parameters of high-class boiled sausage “Likarska” from the different producers to the SSTU 4436:2005 “Boiled sausages, sausages, meat breads. General specifications”. The materials of our study were the samples of high-class boiled sausage “Likarska” from the several domestic producers: LLC “Alan” (Dnipro), JV “Vekka” LLC (Odessa region, Lyman district, Blagodatne), LLC “Globino Meat Factory” (Poltava region, Globin district, Globino), LLC “Khodoriv Meat Factory” (Lviv region, Zhydachiv district, Khodoriv). The samples were selected by the control purchase in Odessa trading network (“METRO”, “Silpo”, “FOZZY”) and in Lviv trading network (“Vopak”, “МЕТРО”, “Silpo”). As a result 20 samples were selected and investigated in general. The studies were conducted during 2019–2020 on the basis of Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotecnologies of Odessa State Agrarian University) and on the basis of the laboratory of Department of Veterinary-Sanitary Inspection (Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Lviv). We selected the samples, carried out sanitary assessments of sausages, determined the microbiological parameters in accordance with applicable regulations. We determined the physico-chemical parameters using the device FoodScan, radionuclides content – by β-γ-spermometry and the general toxicity – using the express method with the infusorium Colpoda steinii. According to the results of analysis of labeling we found out that the packaging (label) of all producers which were studied contains the basic production and consumer information. The analysis of the organoleptical, microbiological indicators and the radionuclides content of samples which were studied established their compliance with the requirement of SSTU 4436:2005. The total toxicity of sausages also wasn’t established. At the same time the analysis of physico-chemical parameters revealed non-compliance with SSTU 4436:2005 requirements by the mass fraction of protein in sausage “Likarska”, which was produced by JV “Vekka” LLC (10.95 ± 0.01 %) and LLC “Globino Meat Factory” (10.68 ± 0.02 %).


  • Today in Ukraine the part of the sausage production segment is about 30 % of all ready meat products

  • The purpose of our study was to analyze the conformity of quality and safety parameters of high-class boiled sausage “Likarska” from the different producers to the SSTU 4436:2005 “Boiled sausages, sausages, meat breads

  • The materials of our study were the samples of high-class boiled sausage “Likarska” from the several domestic producers: LLC “Alan” (Dnipro), JV “Vekka” LLC (Odessa region, Lyman district, Blagodatne), LLC “Globino Meat Factory” (Poltava region, Globin district, Globino), LLC “Khodoriv Meat Factory” (Lviv region, Zhydachiv district, Khodoriv)

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Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv, Pekarska Str., 50, Lviv, 79010, Ukraine. The purpose of our study was to analyze the conformity of quality and safety parameters of high-class boiled sausage “Likarska” from the different producers to the SSTU 4436:2005 “Boiled sausages, sausages, meat breads. At the same time the analysis of physico-chemical parameters revealed non-compliance with SSTU 4436:2005 requirements by the mass fraction of protein in sausage “Likarska”, which was produced by JV “Vekka” LLC (10.95 ± 0.01 %) and LLC “Globino Meat Factory” (10.68 ± 0.02 %). Забезпечення якості та безпеки ковбас, неможливе без дотримання вимог і рецептур, які в Україні регламентує ДСТУ 4436:2005 “Ковбаси варені, сосиски, сардельки, хліби м’ясні. Тому метою нашого дослідження було проаналізувати відповідність показників якості та безпечності вареної ковбаси вищого сорту “Лікарська” різних виробників ДСТУ 4436:2005 “Ковбаси варені, сосиски, сардельки, хліби м’ясні. Враховуючи вищевикладене, метою нашого дослідження було проаналізувати відповідність показників якості та безпечності вареної ковбаси вищого сорту “Лікарська” різних виробників ДСТУ 4436:2005 “Ковбаси варені, сосиски, сардельки, хліби м’ясні. ˗ проаналізувати якість маркування; ˗ провести аналіз якісних (органолептичних і фізико-хімічних) показників; ˗ провести аналіз окремих показників безпечності (мікробіологічні показники, вміст радіонуклідів, загальна токсичність)

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