
Biologically valuable, good-quality milk–raw materials can be obtained only from healthy animals kept in comfortable conditions and with the provision of rights and freedoms following the principles of animal welfare and the concept of “One Health.” Timely detection through observations and diagnostic studies of the hidden form of mastitis will prevent the spread of the disease. Studies have proven that the milk of animals, according to the organoleptic assessment, generally met the sanitary and hygienic standards. Monitoring of the physical and chemical parameters of milk showed that the fat content in the milk of cows of samples 1 and 3 was within the normal range; in sample 3, it was lower by 0.14 %, SZMZ was below the minimum levels of the norm by 2.78, 2.76 and 2.72 %, respectively, the density of milk was higher than the normative indicator (1027 kg/m3) and ranged from 1030.13 to 1028.14 kg/m3. Research has established that the lactose content in milk samples was less than the established norm by 0.27, 0.24 and 0.26 %, respectively. The conductivity of milk in samples 1 and 3 was higher than the norm by 4.44 %. The studies proved that the milk of samples 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 met the requirements of DSTU 3662 2018 “Raw cow's milk”, according to the content of somatic cells was classified as extra grade. The number of somatic cells in samples 5 and 6 indicated clinical and subclinical form mastitis in studied cows.

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