
The purpose of the study was to perform a comparative veterinary sanitary examination and vetting the rabbit meat of two breeds, depending on the time of year. The subject of the study was 4-month-old male rabbits raised in the private farm, certified with California matured breeds and a Belgian giant (Flanders). According to the principle of analogues, 4 groups of rabbits of 6 heads were formed (2 each in spring-summer and autumn-winter seasons). Before slaughter was determined – the index of abrasion (girth by shoulder blades, divided by the length of the trunk and multiplied by 100%). Carried out anatomical section of carcasses and determined the output of meat. Then they carried out veterinary-sanitary examination by conventional methods. Biochemical studies of meat samples were performed 12 hours after slaughter at storage at 0 – +2 °C. Chemical analysis of the samples included determination of the water content, total protein, ash and macronutrients: Calcium (oxalate method), Phosphorus (photocolorimetric method by A.Yu. Levitsky in AT Usovich's modification). The results were statistically processed using a MS Excel 2003 computer program using a Student's t-test table. The 4-month-old rabbit meat is of California matured breeds and the Belgian giant (flanders) has high, almost equivalent, organoleptic-tasting characteristics. In terms of taste, tenderness, juiciness, color and aroma, the overall average score in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods, respectively, was: California maturity – 4.7–4.8, and 4.6–4.7; Belgian Giant (Flanders) – 4.8–5.0 and 4.7–4.8 points. The broth of experimental rabbit meat had a delicate, sophisticated aroma and taste, good transparency and received the following points on a 5-point system: California matured and flanders in spring and summer – 5.0, in autumn and winter – 4.8 points. A comparative analysis of the breed characteristics of the studied rabbit identical samples revealed that the Belgian giant (flanders) has the highest moisture-holding capacity in the spring-summer period. The amount of bound water in the muscles of 4-month-old rabbits of the Flanders breed is slightly higher, so it will be more tender and juicy after cooking. The highest slaughter yield was determined in 4-month-old rabbits of the Belgian giant (flanders) and Californians reared in the spring-summer period, respectively – 56.51 ± 0.2% and 0.75 ± 0.63% (P ≤ 0.001). Among the 2 breeds of 4-month-old rabbits, the largest live and slaughter weights reached the rabbits grown in spring and summer (respectively: Belgian giant – 3375 ± 27.0 g and 1912.03 ± 19.4 g; Californians – 2956.5 ± 6.74 g and 1502.48 ± 5.89 g (P ≤ 0.001) .The amount of nutrients in rabbit depends on the breed and time of year. The lowest protein content is found in the meat of 4-month-old rabbits of the California maturing breed period) – 15.47 ± 0.58%, and the highest – in 4-month flanders (spring-summer period) – 23.02 ± 0.78% (P ≤ 0.05). not, however, more meaty and less calorie meat is rabbit california matured breed, regardless of the time of year.


  • The subject of the study was 4-month-old male rabbits raised in the private farm, certified with California matured breeds and a Belgian giant (Flanders)

  • The 4-month-old rabbit meat is of California matured breeds and the Belgian giant has high, almost equivalent, organoleptic-tasting characteristics

  • The highest slaughter yield was determined in 4-month-old rabbits of the Belgian giant and Californians reared in the spring-summer period, respectively – 56.51 ± 0.2% and 0.75 ± 0.63% (P ≤ 0.001)

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The highest slaughter yield was determined in 4-month-old rabbits of the Belgian giant (flanders) and Californians reared in the spring-summer period, respectively – 56.51 ± 0.2% and 0.75 ± 0.63% (P ≤ 0.001). Кролятина вважається високоцінним дієтичним продуктом і належить, як і курятина, до білого м’яса, чому сприяє високий вміст повноцінних білків, екстрактивних речовин, невелика кількість жиру та холестерину. При високому вмісті повноцінного білка м’ясо кролів водночас порівняно низькокалорійне, що особливо важливо для дітей, людей старшого віку та тих, які швидко набирають вагу. Особливо на вітамін Е (природний антиоксидант), з яким пов’язана не лише висока харчова і біологічна цінність м’яса, а й запобігання зниженню його якості при зберіганні. Кролятина – високоцінний дієтичний продукт, що утримує високий вміст повноцінних білків, екстрактивних речовин, невелику кількість жиру та холестерину. Враховуючи вищенаведене, метою наших досліджень було проведення комплексної порівняльної ветеринарно-санітарної експертизи та ветсаноцінки кролятини двох порід залежно від пори року

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