
Livestock in Kazakhstan occupies about 43% of the total gross agricultural output, is the main source of employment, nutrition and income of the rural population and its development is one of the main strategic economic objectives of the Republic. The dairy industry has always been and remains the leading sector of the Republic's agro-industrial complex, accounting for about 20% of the volume of food produced in Kazakhstan. The provision of the population with quality products is closely connected with the development of cattle breeding; in turn, the provision of dairy products largely depends on the efficiency of dairy cattle breeding and the fullest use of its potential. To date, the main task in dairy cattle breeding is to increase cow productivity, as well as to improve milk quality: to increase the amount of fat, protein and dry matter. The development of the dairy industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan has a positive trend. The range of dairy products is wide and is approaching European standards in terms of quality. New brands using high-tech production lines have emerged in Kazakhstan's domestic market, which creates a special demand from consumers for competitive advantages in terms of product quality.

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