
Vestibular and visual information are two major factors fish use for controlling their posture under 1 G conditions. Parabolic flight experiments were carried out to observe the fish behavior under microgravity for several different strains of Medaka fish ( Oryzias latipes). There existed a clear strain-difference in the behavioral response of the fish under microgravity: Some strains looped, while other strains did not loop at all. However, even the latter strains looped under microgravity conditions when kept in complete darkness, suggesting the contribution of visual information to the posture control under microgravity. In the laboratory, eyesight (visual acuity) was checked for each strain, using a rotating striped-drum apparatus. The results also showed a strain-difference, which gave a clue to the different degree of adaptability to microgravity among different strains. Beside loopings, some fish exhibited rolling movement around their body axis. Tracing each fish during and between parabolas, it was shown that to which side each fish rolls was determined specifically to each individual fish, and not to each strain. Thus, rolling direction is not genetically determined. This may support the otolith asymmetry hypothesis. Fish of a mutant strain ( ha strain, having homozygous recessive of one gene ha) have some malfunction in otolith-vestibular system, and their behavior showed they are not dependent on gravity. Morphological abnormalities of their ear vesicles during the embryonic and baby stages were noted. Their eyesight and dorsal light responses were also studied. Progress in the project of establishing a new strain which has good eyesight and, at the same time, being deficient in otolith-vestibular system was reported. Crosses between the strain of good eyesight and ha strain were made, and to some extent, F2 fish have already shown such characteristics suited for living under microgravity conditions.

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